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Most hackers will use your router to access your wireless home network as they almost know all default passwords of a router. Updating your default router password can help keep your home network safe and improve your device security.

How do hackers target their victims?

Corporations are often targeted through a vetting process that can include research into leadership, payroll and human resources information, and financial institutions used by the organization. 

Hackers will then create a targeted hacking campaign to assess the weaknesses of the organization’s cybersecurity, such as phishing emails and infected links. Organizations use a combination of VPN, multi-factor authentication, robust cybersecurity tools, and employee training to protect themselves from hackers.

Individuals, however, are frequently less 'cyber-savvy' and often practice weak password management and lax security awareness. Hackers will:

send threatening emails with infected links,

offer contest entries, and

create doubt about alleged online purchases.

advertise “too good to be true” offers on products to encourage buyers to provide credit card information - they will never see their products, but the hackers then have this account information to create fraudulent charges and new accounts in the victim’s name. By the time the victim is aware of the hack, the site has disappeared along with any hope they have to be refunded or to track the hackers.

Social media hacking is on the rise, with bad actors cloning accounts or creating fake profiles and sending friend requests and infected links to your friends and followers in the hopes of hacking them as well.

What do hackers look for?

Hackers are looking for the most “bang for their buck” by sending mass emails and blanket advertising on social media sites. If they send a thousand emails and only one person falls for their trick, it is still a success for the hacker.

Hackers are looking for:

Social security numbers and birthdates

Physical addresses

Account numbers

Credit card information

Confirmation of held accounts


With so many weapons in their arsenal, it's no surprise that over half of internet users fall victim to bad actors.

This is why layered security, including the use of a VPN, is so important for individuals as well as organizations.

What do hackers do with your information?

Once your information is exposed, hackers can use your passwords to:

gain access to financial information,

obtain personal information to create new accounts in your name (steal your identity)

sell your information on the dark web for other criminals to purchase and use.

How to avoid being hacked:

Avoid sharing personal information on Social Media.

Never click on links in emails or on adverts in social media - check the company out first, and if you still want to buy go in via their website - not an ad on social media.

Use 2-factor authentication

Use good password management

Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

What to do if you think you have been hacked